Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Babies, Babies, Babies,,,

So yesterday I finally got to go to the babies house at a local orphanage. It was so wonderful! I can't even express how amazing it was. The house has 16 babies, all of them young enough that they can't walk yet, or are just starting. I saw three workers while I was there, so it wasn't like the horror stories you hear about in government-run orphanages. The babies seemed to be clean, happy, and healthy. But still; a ratio of 1 adult for five babies isn't great. So we (two friends and I) walked in, and basically just started picking up whichever kid we wanted.

There were three rooms, with about five babies per room. I got to hold and feed and talk to two little tiny babies- I know one was only two weeks old, and the other looked younger than that, even) and three other, older babies. They all seemed really healthy and happy- responsive and active, although several of the kids clearly had some medical or developmental problems. No doubt, those issuess played into their being at the orphanage in the first place.

All that to say I can't wait to go back.



Can you even imagine?! Just babies, all of them needing love and attention! It was heavenly.

Babies are the best. So soft and squishy and trusting. Their little eyes say, "Really? You're here to hold me and play with me? Ok!" Holding babies must be the world's easiest ministry.

Except the leaving part. I know that crying isn't necessarily bad for babies, but the sound still grabs ahold of your heart and yanks. Leaving was terrible. But at least I can go back. I'm hoping to go regularly; once a week. I'll try to remember to get some pictures.

Ah, babies. They make my heart happy.

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