Friday, December 26, 2008

Carharts and Camo

I just wanted to pop in to say, have you ever sat down to think about what makes America great? Lots of things, no doubt, but at this particular time in my life I'm pretty convinced that limitless refills on fountain drinks is one of them.

Especially at restaurants that serve Diet Dr. Pepper. A never-ending flow of Diet Dr. Pepper... That's liquid happiness right there.

And while I'm on the subject, here is a list of reasons why I love home. In five words or less:

-rednecks are good people
-real, lung-cleansing cold
-crazy, wonderful family
-Union Chapel Missionary Church
-country music
-driving myself in a car
-wide-open spaces
-a real kitchen
-naps every day
-understanding...culture and language
-lots of hugging

Hope you're all enjoying the last few days of 2008. Hasta pronto!

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