Saturday, January 24, 2009

To Really Love a Woman

In a taxi on the way to Quicentro a couple weeks ago, I heard part of the song "I'm Ready" by Bryan Adams.

For those who don't know, Quicentro is a mall. Bryan Adams is the king of romantic, admittedly sappy love ballads. I am a fan of both.

Anyway, hearing part of that song compelled me to dig out my greatest hits cd. I've been listening to it a lot since then. You know how sometimes you listen to a cd too much and get tired of it and then it gets put away and forgotten and then a couple of years later you unearth it and remember why you overplayed it in the first place? That's what happened. But here's the sad thing about Bryan....

...he's too romantic. Check out these lyrics:

"To really love a woman, to understand her, you gotta know her deep inside.
Hear every thought, see every dream, and give her wings if she wants to fly
And when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms, you know you really love a woman."

And in case the words aren't enough, listen to the Spanish guitars in the background.

I've never been in a significant relationship, but I know lots of people who are. And judging from what they say and how they act, I'm led to believe that this Bryan-Adamsy-ness is just a myth. This is depressing to me. Shouldn't I at least get to believe that relationships are like this until such time as I can be disillusioned by my own experiences?

Depressing. Sorry. There is no point or funny anecdote or profound thought to end this post. The end.


Jenn =) said...

LOL, we were seriously JUST talking about the simplicity and sappiness of Bryan Adams yesterday...que casualidad =)

Dave and Beth Saavedra said...

You are hilarious. And no, no, it's not a myth, it's just that it's only one part of the picture. The other part is when there's just the boring drudgery or when (like now, for me, for example) you're pissed off at them and hiding out with nose buried in computer. It is then that we are thankful (so thankful!) for girlfriends and the way they make us laugh with funny blogs. :-)

Anonymous said...

The other day my roommates and I were in the grocery store here in Maneadero and they were playing a Bryan Adams song. It was "Everything I do". As we were walking out of the store, all three of us started either started singing or humming the song. Hearing that song in the store made me think of you and this post :)
We all really like the music they play in that grocery just strikes us as odd that they would play some much music in English...