Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Deep Thoughts on Finals

I am taking a productive break between assignments. I just finished my review of Footprints of God. Then I folded and put away my laundry, put clean sheets on my bed (even rotated the mattress, go me), emptied my now-somewhat-smelly lunch bag from Tuesday and put the cooler thingy back in the freezer so it's ready for tomorrow. Now I'm writing before I go back to reading. I have an article to read so that I can fill out this form about it...

It's week six of eight in the quad (a quad is half a semester, and most of my classes are a quad long) so it's just beginning to be 'gear up for finals' time, and I'm already tired. Not a promising situation. But the good news is that during the second quad, which is also the last eight weeks before GRADUATION, I only have one class and comprehensive exams. So this should be my last crunch-final time. Hopefully forever!

(insert host of angels here, singing the "Hallelujah Chorus")

In the meantime, it is the time of season for that annoying niggling thought that rises to the surface of my consciousness every once in a while. The thought says, "You should be doing research for those three papers. They're all due in the same week, and you're going to be up the proverbial creek without the proverbial paddle if you don't get your rear in gear now..."

I hate that thought, wise though it is. It's not so much that I don't WANT to work ahead. It's more that I'm trying to keep my head above water to get THIS week's assignments done. It seems a bit presumptuous, arrogant even, for assignments two weeks in the future to be nagging me already.


I suppose one day I'll look back at this time with fond recollection. Perhaps even longing. But for the record, I never missed school during the three years between undergrad and grad school. In fact, as finals season came and went I often gave thanks that I was no longer involved.

Now if I could only find a job...

Off to go read an article.


Anonymous said...

You know, finals week is even worse when you're a prof-type person. "Oh, look. I have seventy-five 8-10 page research papers to grade, and grades are due in 5 days." Talk about panic. ;)

Unknown said...

Marisa, that does put it all into perspective... :P

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I'm back in school again and feeling the pressure. I'm much earlier in the game than you, in terms of degree advancement, but I'm getting it done. Hang in there!!! You are soooo close. [insert envy here:)]

Leslie said...

Hey Eve! What are you doing at school? Are you at Rhodes State again? Do tell...