Saturday, February 12, 2011

Babies out the Wazoo

I haven't written in almost a month. This is because not much of any interest is happening in my life at present. However, much has been happening in the lives of the people around me, so I decided to share about that.

I've been surrounded by babiness the past week, which has been lovely. Babies are awesome. Especially squishy ones. But recently I've been finding a deep appreciation for non-squishy babies, as well (nod toward Mr. Liam Black).

Liam is celebrating his one week birthday as I type this. He came late, but wisely chose to be born in time to watch the Packers beat the Steelers in the superbowl. The first time I saw Liam, his mom warned me that he wasn't very squishy, but after meeting him, I decided to rescend the squishy babies are cutest rule. Cause Liam's pretty darn cute. Here, see for yourself:

Last night I babysat for some friends' infant, Mateo. Mateo would be the newly-arrived little brother of Aiden and Ethan, of melodramatic overnight babysitting fame. I was pretty darn excited about this date with Mateo, cause he's cute and squishy and about 2 months old, so he doesn't do much more than eat, poop, and sleep. Once a kid isn't interested in letting me hold him or her, I'm much less interested in babysitting. But a whole night of snuggling up with a cutie-patootie baby, all to myself, without having to fight off the other people wanted to hold him? Yes, please.

Just in case you're not totally convinced about Mateo's cute-ness, here he is, being cute:

Mateo and I had a good night. He slept. I read a book and cuddled him. Then he woke up and wanted a tour of the apartment, so I showed him around. A good time was had by all.

And then, in case I hadn't had enough babiness, a third friend had a baby on Wednesday night. This little one, Lydia, decided to come early, so I don't have any pictures of her yet. But her parents report that she is very cute and I'm patiently awaiting the day when I get to hold her and agree. Yep, another keeper.

Whew! Like I said. Lotsa babiness around here.

But I'm happy to report that it's not in the water. :)


Mari said...

not in the water, lol

Mari said...

glad your happy to report its not in the water :) at least not yet

Dave and Beth Saavedra said...

Too bad the you all don't live in the U.S. You could make a bundle baby modeling with Mr. Adorable himself!