Monday, July 20, 2009

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...

I know, I know. You were worried sick!! You were about to call the hospitals! WHERE HAVE I BEEN!?!

Good question. Since you last heard from me I've been...

-soaking up family at Grandma Nell's house

-cheering for the home team in Kansas City, Missouri (at the First Annual Roosevelt House Reunion)

-catching up with Brooke, since we were briefly in the same hemisphere

-giggling over potted fig plants at Whole Foods in Naperville, IL with Sasha

-cutting my hair- finally!

-getting to hold Bryan and Jamie's son, Tarek, in Elida

-loving time with my nieces in Harrod

-comparing notes on teaching in Senegal vs. teaching in Ecuador with Annie...over ice-cream

-celebrating my favorite country's birthday

-getting to meet Brent and Tina's daughter, Mikaya in Lima

-livin' life large with Josie and her family in the Land of Cleve

-setting up a lunch date with Mindy and then forgetting my wallet so she had to pay for both of us

-driving...a lot
-stock-up buying
-watching the new Harry Potter movie with Jo, Rachel, and Claire
-eating fresh, homemade food that exceeds the depth of the word "delicious"

-burning the quesadillas at Renessa's house while she put the baby down for a nap (oops)
-remembering why I miss holidays with the family so much at Sheri's house in Farmertucky (ahem) I mean, Farmersville

-celebrating Father's Day at bit late at Cassano's Pizza

It's been a good break. I hate to see it end, but [I keep reminding myself that] I'm excited to get re-settled at home; not live out of a suitcase; learn Spanish a bit more; dive into year two; see what's in store.