Saturday, April 17, 2010

Random Thoughts Since My Life Isn't Currently Producing Blog-Worthy Material

-A hummingbird buzzed by my head while I was hiking with the 7th grade in Mindo, Ecuador. It sounded like a mini-helicopter right by my ear. I could feel the breeze from his little tiny wings. It was the coolest interaction I've had with nature in a long time.

-My microwave died and I've been making do without one. Tonight I wanted to heat up some milk for hot chocolate, so I put the milk into a bowl to heat in my toaster oven (because the mug is too tall to fit in). Then when it was hot, I proceeded to spill hot milk all over my counter as I tried to pour the milk from the bowl into the mug. I did not cry.

-This weekend I attended the wedding of a friend and coworker. It was really nice. I've decided that one of the most pressing reasons that I want to get married is so that I can no longer be forced to stand up with the other single women for the bouquet toss. Worst. Tradition. Ever.

[Editor's Note: in the bride's defense, she tried to change the tradition and offered the bouquet to whomever could answer a trivia question first, but none of us could, so she resorted to the toss]

-I tried out a new recipe Friday for per nil pork in the crock pot. I got it all ready and turned it on low before I left for school. I was a little concerned that there might not be enough liquid, but double-checked the recipe and I'd followed it correctly. After school I returned to a heavenly smell in my house, but found small, charred, black hockey-pucks where I had left boneless pork chops a few hours earlier. It was sad. I had to make spaghetti for my guests instead.

And this brings us to the end of my random thoughts for the evening. Over-n-out.

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