Sunday, February 13, 2011


Well, tomorrow is Valentine's Day. V-Day, (or Singleness Awareness Day, or SAD, for short) isn't exactly my favorite holiday. I'm pretty sure I've written about that before. But last year, I felt inspired to make heart-shaped cookies in honor of the day, and they were SUPER-GOOD. And wouldn't you know that I can't remember what recipe I used? Typical.

But I'm going to try again, mostly because I really want a good sugar cookie. When I say "good sugar cookie", what I mean is that it's soft, maybe just a tad crunchy around the edges, with a little lemon or almond taste, and topped with some sweet-but-not-too-sweet icing. I'm a little picky. That's why I was so pleasently surprised when my last attempt turned out so well.

So, if you have a cookie and/or icing recipe that you think meets the aforementioned requirements, would you pass it on? Thanks. I'll eat a cookie in your honor.


Unknown said...

Dang, wish I would have seen this sooner.... I have an awesome Kruger family sugar cookie recipe :) maybe you can make some Easter?? Lol.

Leslie said...

Yes! Send me the recipe! The one I ended up trying was really not good. I threw the cookies away. I'll be traveling with my aunt and uncle on Easter, but I would love to try the Kruger family recipe when we get back. Thanks!