Saturday, April 9, 2011

Stuff I Like

I just cut my fingernails. I really don't enjoy the act of cutting my fingernails, and so I tend to put it off until they're long enough that they've been bothering me for a few days. That doesn't take very long, because not only do I not enjoy cutting my nails, neither do I enjoy having long fingernails. But as I was cutting them this afternoon, I thought about how satisfied I feel when they are newly cut.

And as I sat here, enjoying that satisfied feeling, I decided to blog about stuff I like. I thought it might be helpful for me, as I continue on in the Lenten challenge of not complaining. I've found that being thankful is the opposite of complaining. So here it goes; stuff I am thankful for; aka, stuff I like:

1. The feeling of freshly-cut fingernails

2. fresh guacamole with homemade tortilla chips

3. holding a sleeping baby

4. my students

5. reading in my bed on a rainy weekend afternoon until I feel sleepy enough to take a nap without setting an alarm

6. a linguistically and culturally successful day in Quito (aka, no embarrassing situations stemming from either my inferior knowledge of the culture or grasp of the language)

7. finding a card, letter, postcard, or (shazam!) package in my mailbox at school

8. the consolidation and/or downsizing of material things

9. my brown Houghton College sweatshirt

10. the Advent Season. Even thinking about advent now, in April, makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

What about you? Take a moment today and join me in the discipline of thankfulness. What are you thankful for? What is the stuff YOU like?

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I love a freshly organized closet, drawer or really anything of that nature
I love when the children all nap and no one rings the doorbell and the dog doesn't bark and I fall alseep, sleep an entire nap wake up feeling awesome and the kids are still asleep, ahh bliss!
I love fresh haircuts fixed by the hairdresser
I love washed cars
I love walking into a room free of clutter
I love spring flowers
I like the sound of lawn lowers and what it looks like afterwards!
Looking at my list...I must really be thankful for neat and clean, hahahah, can you tell we have three children and it is near impossible even if it gets that it doesnt stay!