Thursday, September 27, 2012

Gas Fireplace

Tonight I laid on the floor of my living room in front of the gas fireplace for a half an hour.  I'm really happy to have a gas fireplace.  But it's not the same.

It doesn't sound right.  It doesn't roar.  Or snap and pop.  It doesn't make that sound when the wind blows hard and sucks extra air up the chimney.  And my very favorite fire-noise:  when the flames get to a sap pocket in the log and it hisses for a few second before the super-loud CRACK!  That's my favorite.

Gas fireplace doesn't look right, either.  It doesn't shift.  The flames are always the same color.  You can't poke it.  And you can't have that little moment of secret victory when you've neglected to feed it and it's died down, so you haul in a few more logs, stack them on what looks like a dead fire, and then give it a few, long, narrow blows. And then, like magic straight out of a fantasy novel, the fire SPRINGS back to life and you smugly smile and go back to whatever you were doing.  YOU knew it wasn't dead.  YOU knew it was playing possum, and look!  Here it is again- that fire's right as rain, thanks to your expertise.

None of that with the gas fire.  But it's ok.  Gas fireplace is still a pretty awesome perk.


Dave and Beth Saavedra said...

You make me smile. Come down and enjoy our wood fire anytime, girlie!

Leslie said...

Mmm, I have very fond memories of the night I stayed at your place and you guys left me reading a book by the fire. Ahhhhh. One day, friend. One day.