Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New City, New Home, New Job. Lots of New.

I give up. For two weeks I have been trying to put together a blog about moving to Quito. I won't go into all the problems I've had but shall instead suffice to say that until my internet connection, or computer, or both learn to behave themselves I'm done trying to attach photos. So there.

With that frustration in black and white for all to see, let's move on. To Quito! Where I live now! That's still a bit unreal, but eventually I expect it will sink in.

Today was my first day of work and also the first day of new employee orientation. I was pleasantly surprised by how manageable the new information was. I didn't leave with a headache or anything. Hopefully the remainder of orientation will be equally painless.

I also got to see my classroom-to-be. I think it used to be someone's office, judging both from the size of the room and from the lack of any whiteboards, blackboards, or bulletin boards. The good news is that I can order those things and they'll be made and hung for me. The bad news is that I'm not sure if 12 students will fit in the space. We shall see.

In other exciting news, today I learned that the classroom directly across from mine is home to a huge snake. Not a big snake. A huge snake. Like, it takes two people to move it huge. I can't remember if Diamond is a python or a boa constrictor. I do know that every couple months she eats a guinea pig (as a true Ecuadorian should) and she sheds her skin occassionally. I was fortunate to see a couple of her older wardrobes.

This afternoon I saw the snake. This evening I met the teacher to whom she belongs. I think we may have come to an agreement of sorts. I have agreed to take care of any cockroaches that might infest her classroom. In exchange, she has agreed to warn me when she plans to take the snake on a sunning field trip, so that we don't meet up accidentally in the narrow hallway. I'm hoping it will work out well.

Seriously, it is ironic. The one creature that I can't stand, and of all the classrooms in the whole pre-K through 12 school; next door neighbors. God has a good sense of humor.

Meanwhile, back on the farm, yesterday was a banner day, seeing both the installation of our internet (and therefore our international phone service) and the first successful use of our clothes dryer! So now I can wash my clothes and call my peeps and post on my blog. Life is good.

Stay tuned for more on life in Quito. And maybe...if we're lucky...some pictures. Maybe.


Anonymous said...

i'm glad you're settling in and even MORE glad that you've finally worked the phrase "my peeps" into a blog. please share that phone # w/ me when you can so i can call and get the straight scoop from my homey. word.


Danika said...

I'm so glad you had a great first week! And the drawing...hilarious!