Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving, Take 2

Well, as it turned out, my internet access this weekend was limited. But I'm back home in Quito now, and ready to think about being thankful. Here is my current list of things to be thankful for:

-A fantastic, cheap trip to the beach
-A family that makes me prefer being home for the holidays over the beach
-The fact that my 34 bug bites and painful sunburn will be fade before long
-A mom that was so great that thinking about her brings me to tears, four years after her death
-A job that I love and that is significant and fulfilling
-The hope of visiting the US this summer
-Christmas music
-Friends on five continents
-A dad that loves me and is regularly sacrificial in showing that love
-A whole suitcase of stuff from the states after Christmas!
-No mosquitos in Quito
-My digital camera...a gift from my family at Union Chapel
-My sister, who loves me in spite of how different we are and all we've been through
-Access to an English library
-Spanish is easier than Mandarin
-My brother, who send me pictures of his kids...and his hunting trophies
-Christmas Eve with the Olsens
-Email, Vonage, Facebook, and Blogging
-A relationship with the God of the universe. who loves me enough to save me from myself.

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving, Everyone!

1 comment:

mel said...

Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you as well. =D