Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Miracle

Yesterday I saw an actual miracle happen. And as a result, I'm getting to go home for Christmas! I can't even believe how fantastic it is!

What happened was that a friend of mine, another teacher here, was talking to her dad about Christmas break, and I guess she mentioned that one of the other teachers wasn't getting to go home or have visitors over Christmas. He suggested that he could pay for part of my ticket! And then I found a good price on a ticket, and THEN my own dad said maybe he could help out a bit too, so North America, here I come!

For those who are interested, I'll be flying into Columbus on the 21st and back out on January 2nd. Whee! If you're able/interested in meeting up, let me know!

So with a little internet searching I have come up with a visual representation of the series of steps from the time I heard that someone wanted to help pay for my ticket, until today.

Step 1- skepticism...

Step 2- shock...

Step 3- Glee...

And at step 3 I remain...gleefully expectant of my upcoming surprise trip home! Whee!
In a totally unrelated point, while I was finding the above pictures, I ran across this one which I thought was so random and surprisingly humorous that I wanted you to enjoy it, too. (For me the funniest part was how long it took me to figure out the point of the picture.)


Anonymous said...

so when are you going to be stateside??

Jenn =) said...

Hooray! God is so good!!! I'm so happy for you! Enjoy the snow for me as I sweat it out in blazing South Africa, hehe!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pictures, Les. And I'm glad you get to come home for Christmas!

mel said...

Fantastic! PTL! I'm so happy for you. =D

Leslie said...

Augustine- December 21-January 2.

Jenn- anywhere for family, right?! Any tentative plans for post-this-school-year? I'm a little sad you're leaving our continent... :)

Marisa- I'm glad you enjoyed them; I thought they were pretty funny myself...