Monday, December 28, 2009

New Year's Curtains

Today is December 28, 2009. I took down my Christmas tree and decorations this morning. This is always a little bit sad. I read recently that in England they used to celebrate Christmas for 12 days (hence the song). I think that's a good idea. There's so much build-up to Christmas, and then it's over. In case you were wondering what I thought about that.

[editor's note: as I type this, I'm listening to Pandora radio. Every so often they play an advertisement blip. The last one was for Faith Hill Parfum. Ok, seriously? Faith Hill is a country singer. Since when do country and French go together? I think not]

I'm half-way through my Christmas break today. It has been WONDERFUL so far. I've spent lots of time sleeping, reading, watching movies, and spending time with friends. Obviously, if I had the means I would have gone home in a heartbeat. Half a heartbeat, maybe. But barring that option, staying here and doing nothing has been a really great break. Maybe I needed the rest more than I realized.

Though I've been experimenting in the area of laziness, I have also been working on several household jobs that have been overlooked in the six months since I moved in. The biggest of those jobs has been the completion of the curtain in my living room.

Here are before and after pictures, so you can be awed with me:

My tacky-yet-functional previous curtain. (crowd boos and hisses)

The lovely "after" model. (cheering and clapping from the audience)

Do you feel inspired? Hope so. I'm off to read a book. I love holidays! Happy 2010 Everyone!

1 comment:

jagalle said...

I love love love reading your stuff! And I love seeing your profile picture on here where you appear to be laughing your head off. What a treat to read! Thank you, Dear Friend.