Saturday, January 30, 2010


Babies are cute. In general. Some babies are less cute than others. Especially when they're newborns. I mean, seriously? Newborns often look like aliens. Personally, I think this is where the pictures of aliens originated.

Of course, everyone thinks their own baby is the cutest baby EVER, regardless of how misshapen his or her head may be; no matter how scaly it's skin or how many baby pimples it has on its face. Sometimes I get email forwards from friends asking me to vote for their kid on some cutest-kid-contest thing. Some of their kids are legitimately cute, but other times I can't bring myself to vote for them. It seems too close to flat-out lying. Clearly, this temporary suspension of reason is a gift from God, which prevents new parents from saying, "Huh. That's disappointing. Our kid's...well, not so cute. Maybe we could trade him in?"

I think that bi-racial babies are always the cutest. I've often thought that I wouldn't mind marrying someone of a different race just for this reason. Then next in line of cuteness after bi-racial babies are any race of babies other than white. [Editor's Note: clearly, this list excludes my own nieces and nephew. Though they are white, they are quite obviously the cutest children on the planet]

Today as I looked at a friend's facebook photo album and saw a picture of a stinkin' cute Chinese baby, I started thinking about this topic. I swear, in my whole year of living in China I never saw a not-cute Chinese baby. That CAN'T be just a coincidence, can it?

I wonder if everyone thinks their own race's babies are less cute than other races' babies, just because they more likely to see their own race? Or is it really just that white babies are the least cute? Does this opinion mean I'm some variety of backwards-racist?

If you are a race other than Caucasian, I would love to hear your opinion on baby cuteness. Well, actually, if you're white, I'd like to hear what you have to say, too. So, if you're human, please feel free to comment. And here's to the cuteness of babies around the world! Yay for babies!

1 comment:

hayoungs said...

I WANT A BABY. i think asian babies are cute.. i was ugly, but still cutesie-ugly. does that count?