Friday, February 5, 2010

Toothpaste and Carrots

Just now I opened the box of my new tube of toothpaste. If you're a regular reader, you may recall the fiasco of dropping the cap from my last tube down my drain. I finally used up that tube and once again have a cap on my toothpaste. Best of all, it's a flip-cap, so I don't have to worry about a repeat of the drain situation.

But believe it or not, I have a more random story to relate. As I was breaking the box down to throw it away, I was reminded of a Christmas while I was in middle school that I chose to put each of the gifts I was giving in some sort of household item box. And the gift that I remember most vividly from that Christmas season was definitely blog-worthy.

I hand-sewed a plush carrot for my friend Alicia Evilsizor.

Yes, you read that right. A carrot. Why? I have no idea. And in case that isn't weird enough, I'm fairly certain I boxed the carrot in a Velveeta Cheese box. Yep. Alicia received from me a hand-sewn. plush carrot boxed in a Velveeta Cheese box.

Kids are weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The gift may have been a bit unusual, but I bet that is one gift she will always remember receiving. :)
