Thursday, September 23, 2010


Bonus points to anyone who can name that movie!

So, during the summer I slowly realized that I have become lactose sensitive. I didn't worry much about it, as I didn't really recognize said development until nearly the end of my trip, and because I don't eat much dairy in Ecuador. That's because it tastes funny. We call it "ecua-dairy".

In any case, the month that I've been back has proven to me that this issue is still an issue down here. So, does that mean that I suddenly because L.S. during the course of 8 weeks? I'm confused. But pretty sure about the problem. Alas and alack.

The good news is that the cheese on pizza doesn't seem to be enough lactose, or maybe the right kind? or whatever to cause problems. This is a huge relief. That, and the fact that I don't really like the ice-cream here, so that's not a big problem. Oh, and the yogurt that I drink in the mornings seems to be ok, too.

Wow, this is a lot of information about my eating habits. I guess that's what happens when I'm up at 10:40pm because my stomach hurts from eating curry creamed chicken for supper. Stupid cream. Didn't bother me all last year. Oh well. I guess I'll take another Rolaid and go back to bed.

Good night.


josie said...

awwwww. . . that's no good. the live bacteria in yogurt actually produces lactase (the enzyme that breaks down lactose) so it's easier on you than other foods. that's a real bummer, but i'm glad you figured out what's going on!

Anonymous said...

it's from French Kiss. ta-da!

also brooke