Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Interview with the Author

Interviewer: Leslie, is there something you want to tell the readers?

Leslie: Yes. Last night, right after I got into bed I had this great idea for a blog post. But I didn't want to get out of bed to write it up, and now I've forgotten it. Blast.

I: Uh-huh. Well, thanks for that. How's the new school year going so far? You're 4 days in?

L: Yep. So far things are really good. No detentions yet! And it seems like I have a good group of students. A little crowded with full classes and small classrooms. But I guess it helps us stay warm on cold days.

I: This is the last year on your initial contract. Any solid decisions about renewing?

L: Not really. I'm leaning toward coming home. That's really what I want to do. On the other hand, the job market is pretty pathetic back home, and here I have a really secure job. I'm happy to sit tight and not make any final decisions yet. June's a long way off yet.

I: How are you school year resolutions going?

L: Well, I've been pretty pleased with myself in the area of exercise. I think I've settled on working out four days a week. So I do it MT and RF. That way I don't have a big long stretch, but still get in 4 workouts a week. I think it's a good compromise. And it sure feels good setting the alarm for 6am on Tuesday nights, instead of the standard 5am. Oye.

I: Wow, you're practically a saint. A work-out princess, if you will.

L: I'm glad you noticed. That pretty much sums up how I feel about it.

I: Any other thoughts before we close?

L: I've decided that I'd really like to go to the UK for my honeymoon. I have a HUGE zit on my chin, which helps me to feel bonded with my students. I realized yesterday that two weeks ago today I was still in Ohio. It seems like I've been back much longer. At the restaurant with friends on Sunday, when the host asked how many, instead of saying "nine" I replied, "Snow" (nieve instead of nueve). The barking dogs and screaming car and house alarms continue to annoy me when I'm trying to sleep. Ecuador is still beautiful and the weather in Quito is still nice and dry and cool. I guess that's all for now.

I: Well, thanks for your time, Leslie. I wish you and our readers a good evening.


Holly B. said...

You crack me up, workout princess! :o)

Unknown said...

I like this interview with the author idea, idea princess too :D!