Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Silly Classroom Randomness...

Today as I was unpacking stuff from my visit to Ohio, I ran across a sticky note from last school year. I'd jotted down a bunch of funny quotes my students said with the intention of blogging about them at some point. However, at this point I don't even remember all the context, which makes building it up too much difficult. But since they're so funny straight, I'm just gonna post them. You can use your imagination regarding the context of these things being said in my classroom.

-Are you mad at me?
(I think I just liked the honesty in this one)

-Why is it so hard to not eat?

-Don't touch my head!!

-I smell like frog

-It's a lonely project?
(the student was trying to ask if it was an individual project)

-It's a bullet point, dude! Don't dig the hole deeper!!

-I had to do the macarena!

1 comment:

Jenn =) said...

Lol, I think my favorite was "I smell like frog" 1. because I currently teach middle schoolers and have a classroom that smells like them! and 2. because those of us living in the tropics can relate to that sentiment in general!