Friday, February 6, 2009

Singleness Awareness Day, aka SAD

When I was a kid, Valentine's Day meant a card from Aunt Janet, a handmade card from Grandpa and Grandma House, and a small candy gift from Mom and Dad. Plus, it meant designing a valentines day box and exchanging cards with my classmates.

In college, Valentine's Day became Singleness Awareness Day. In protest, my college roommate, Joy and I always exchanged $5 gifts and worked hard at convincing ourselves that we didn't care that we were boyfriendless.

Now that college days have passed (and Joy has gotten married...traitor...) VDay/SADay (ironic? I think not) has sunk back into the line of not-really-noteworthy holidays. You know, days like Secretary's Day and Sweetest's Day (seriously, if this isn't a V-Day copycat, I don't know what is...) and National Pig Day (sorry, Joy).

However, I have decided to get over my Scrooge-like SADay tendencies and share a funny story with you, as it seems worthy of the season.

This Tuesday, I asked a fellow teacher if he'd pick up lunch for me at the restaurant where he usually goes for take-out. Unfortunately, said teacher (we'll call him Mr. Smith for his own sake) had lunch plans for Tuesday, but on Wednesday he emailed me to say he was going that day, and ask if I wanted anything. I replied with my order.

As 5th period (last class before lunch) rolled around, Mr. Smith came to my classroom to ask if I wanted lunch. He hadn't gotten my email. So, in front of my class I thanked him and gave him my order and some money.

As he walked out I wagered in my mind which student was going to say it.

But class went on, I got everyone settled working on homework, and I thought maybe, just maybe I had dodged the bullet.

Then Ji raised her hand.

"Miss Foster?"

"Yes, Ji."

"How old are you?"

(Eye rolling from Miss we go...) "75"

(laughter all around the classroom)

Ji: No, seriously!

Me: I'll be 29 this month.

(pause as Ji thinks)

Ji: Then you should get married!

Me: You think so? Well, I'll take that under consideration. Thanks for the suggestion.

Ji: You should marry Mr. Smith!

(more laughter; I begin to turn red)

Me: Uh, what makes you think that?

Ji: He's lonely. He wants to get married!

Me: Really? Well, loneliness isn't really the best reason to marry someone...

Milton: Can we leave 1 minute early for lunch?

(I breathe a sigh of relief- new topic!)

Me: No.

Ji: I bet you don't want to leave early because Mr. Smith's bringing your lunch.

I could continue, but really the arguments weren't that convincing and I struggled to get control of the classroom (and my blushing) reasonably quickly. Ah, the joys of Middle School. Poor Mr. Smith. Poor me! I can only imagine the other side of this discussion that must take place in other classrooms. I guess I'll just pretend to be glad to have kids who are so concerned about my happiness! :)

1 comment:

Jenn =) said...

Lol! They truly are concerned! Isn't it tiring?? You should have seen one of my ESL kids the day he learned the idiom "tie the knot" in another class...of course I had the honor of being the first person he tried it out on. "Miss, when you tie the knot?" (HUGE grin, so proud of himself) Ay ay ay...