Thursday, September 10, 2009

Since I've Been Gone...

So life was uninteresting and then my computer died. Hence it's been almost a month since I blogged. My apologies for the trauma this may have caused you. Since I've been gone, here's what's been happening:

-I painted my apartment. It looks awesome, if I do say so myself.

-My computer's monitor died and now I have to buy a new one. Gross.

-I started my second year at Alliance. Still seem to love working with those crazy middle schoolers.

-I met a handful of new teachers and like them. Very excited about new friendship possibilities.

-I finally took two pairs of pants to get altered. This decision only took me about six months to follow through on.

-I inherited two dwarf hamsters. Their names are Jaws and Marsha. Jaws likes to nibble. On everything. Marsha is my favorite, so I named her after the favorite daughter on the Brady Bunch. I think. I've never actually watched the show, but I assume that since the other girl's whiny complaint is, "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!" that Marsha is the favorite.

-I went back to work and thereby rediscovered the joys of being up before the sun. That would be sarcastic, except that I live in the Andes Mountains and I have an awesome eastern view of some great peaks from my bedroom. They are best seen before the sun makes it over the mountains.

-I got 13 home room kids in my bodega (that's Spanish for a storage closet, which is what my classroom was before I got it). We are cozy. One kid gets to sit on a desk cause I don't have room for the number of seats we need. But happily, this should be remedied by next week.

-I straightened my hair for the second time in my life. It took 30 minutes, which is exactly 10 times my normal budgeted hair-fixing allotment. As I was walking down the hallway that morning, one of my favorite students, who was running in the opposite direction to get to her class before the bell, yelled out, "Nice flat hair, Miss Foster!" She was sincere. ESL student. I mean, do YOU know how to say "straightened hair" in a second language? Me either. I laughed a lot.

-I realized that I have dandruff and went in search of some Head and Shoulders. Did you know that there are lots of scents now?! I was really excited about all the possibilities. Not as excited about paying $4.50 for a bottle of shampoo. Oh well.

-I made the tough decision to buy the expensive shower curtain. So I did. And then I got home to find out that there were two problems. First, it was about 8 inches to long. Second, it is made to slide onto the shower curtain rod, and mine is bolted to the bathroom walls. Then I noticed that it wasn't a shower curtain. It was just a curtain. Happily, a friend wanted to buy it from me to use in her classroom. Now that I have to buy a new computer, maybe I'll just put that $25 in the computer fund.

Well, now that we're all caught up, I'm off to bed. School tomorrow, but it's Friday! Whee!

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