Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Last Straw

DISCLAIMER: I feel angry and frustrated and I'm using this post to vent. Please do not put a cliche comment at the end, ok? I'm sure it's well intentioned, but don't. Thanks.

This afternoon I went to the doctor for my annual check up. It's a new doctor, so I got to go over all the medical history, all the family history, etc. In Spanish. When it was all done, the doctor gave me the big spiel:

-you need to lose weight
-you need to bump your exercise from twice a week to four times a week
-you shouldn't drink pop- not even diet
-you should eat small meals throughout the day
-you should eat lots of salad, especially at supper

This is not new information for me. I could write a book. But you know what's put me over the edge from "Yah, I should really try. Again." to "NO!! WHY must I do everything I hate and not do everything I like?!?!?! I REFUSE. Just, no."? Know what did that?

No diet pop.

I've heard all the rest before, but this is a new rule. According to this doctor, studies show that people gain weight when they drink diet soft drinks and know one can figure out why.

You know what? I'm not supposed to eat sugar or bread or pasta or potatoes or processed anything or basically anything that tastes good. I am supposed to eat salad. I hate salad. And veggies and boring meat that's good for you cause there's no fat to give it flavor. Nothing that's easy or convenient. Everything that's not. And now I can't even drink diet coke? Seriously?!?

I give up. I don't usually feel rebellious, but tonight I do. Tonight I'm angry and tired of trying and failing. And being told to try harder. I just don't want to.


Rick said...

can i comment if it's not a cliche? ... i read some interesting research a while back that indicated that the body handles different foods (ie., diet pop) differently based on how they taste ... i don't remember all of it, but the gist was that if something tastes sweet, the body kicks into "store" mode ... so basically, even though there's not calories in the drink, simply based on the data coming from the taste buds, the body is still lookin' to shelve the calories in whatever else we're eating (which in my case is usually a snickers candy bar, which makes perfect sense to eat with a coke zero, thank you very much) ... just thought i'd share ... probably wasn't helpful

Leslie said...

Hmm, interesting (and not cliche. Good work) I wonder if that works the same for naturally sweet stuff, like fruit?

Jodi said...

I think I heard it a little different. I think the deal is that when your body registers the sweet stuff, it rushes in to deal with it. There are no calories there to burn with sweet Diet Coke, even though the flavor is sweet. So, eventually your body's natural rule of trying to eliminate sweet, high calorie things is altered and anytime it registers "sweet" it thinks you are drinking diet pop and there are no calories there to burn, therefore the calories are stored. Basically, drinking sweet pop that doesn't have any calories trains your body that it doesn't need to try to burn calories with other sweet flavors (even fruits, and obviously Resee's peanut butter cup eggs...YUM), therefore it just stores all the "sweets" assuming there aren't calories there. Of course, you also have the issues with dangers from sweetners and the fact that people tend to drink diet pop and then use that as a license to take in the extra calories in some other way. Trust me...I am not trying to be cliche at all. I drink too much diet pop everyday because I agree with you! You simply can't take away EVERYTHING that is good. I don't even like water! If I have to eat tofu, wheat germ and flax seed with every meal, I'm not sure I want to live for 100 years anyway! And, look at our grandparents! Grandma made her scrambled eggs in bacon grease her whole life and lived to be 90. Grandpa ate what she cooked, and he stayed skinny minny his whole life....I don't remember ever being served low carb food at any holiday. Love ya Leslie!!!
Jodi (not sure why it says Greg)